Our Farmers
At Tolaro Global, we believe quality starts with the farmers.
Whether a farmer is sitting in Europe, the US or Benin, they ask the same question “How do I increase my quality and my yields?” We believe the best solutions are often the most simple and set our sights on answering that question for our cashew farmers. Since 2012 when we launched our first farmer outreach program, our commitment to our farmer network has grown each year. Today, we work with 7,000 farmers helping them increase their yields and their quality.
Our approach is simple:
Provide the knowledge to better farming practices
Cashew farmers are some of the most innovative and entrepreneurial people on the planet. Knowledge is power and knowledge, when taught simply, will unlock potential in peopleWeekly training seminars on “best farming practices” for orchard maintenance like tree pruning and spacing.
Seminars on the dangers/disavantages of harmful pesticides and fertilizers and provide alternatives like natural, organic composting
Orchard audits and onsite visits from our field agents to address orchard specific issues a farmer might be facing
Provide the resources needed to put knowledge into practice
Knowledge without resources remains dormant potentialOur farmer groups receive access to farm equipment like tractors and chain saws
Access to our seedling nurseries to purchase at discounted pricing high yielding/high quality cashew tree seedling
Provide the “hands on” opportunities to practice
Practice makes perfectTolaro has created “model farms” throughout several of the farm group areas. Farmers are encouraged to practice the knowledge they learned in their classroom settings on our farms.
This encourages our “Teach it, try it, implement it” approach to farmer education

“ I had seen the advantages from other farmers and their crops. Now I know how to manage my trees for a higher result. The quality of my cashews are much better. Other organizations come to look at my trees and land because of how well they have grown over the years. Since I am learning about business practices through the Tolaro training program, 4 years ago I became a bee keeper and sell honey too. In our culture, when people get married, whatever the husband has does not belong to the wife. Through the training program, the men now understand it is beneficial for the whole family when the women have their own farms. When I see women selling small bags of cashews at the market or on the side of the road, I tell them do to something bigger with their life and not to settle for selling small amounts. I now believe I have a future and can take care of my family.”
Our report card since 2012
Our average farmer has increased their yields 4X with many achieving up to 6X
Our average farmer has increased his orchard size 2X
Approx. 50% of our farmers have achieved Organic and Fairtrade Certifications resulting in premiums of 25-35% over the conventional market
Over 800 women are among our network of cashew farmers
Our organic RCN supply has increased 600%
Our farmers are profit-sharing partners from our value-added BRC ingredients facility

“I wanted a better life and had seen how it had changed the life of other farmers. Now that I know how to take care of my land, I am able to sell 3 tons of cashews. Before, I did not have enough to even fill a bag. My advisors not only teach me how to take care of my crops, but how to save my money and invest. Because of this, my farm has grown from 3 hectares to 20. I have built two homes for my family, one on the farm and one in the village. My life is much better.”