Call to Action
With the rise in popularity of plant-based lifestyles, we are seeing more cashew options such as flour, butter, milk, and cheese. The very real truth is that the cashew industry is rife with human rights injustices such as child labor, forced labor, and terrible working conditions. These are the norms in too many processing factories in countries that provide 90% of the world’s cashew supply. While global demand for cashew nuts increases, so do the injustices. Food companies around the world are not oblivious to the wrongdoings, lack of transparency, unethical treatment of workers, and other issues in their cashew supply chains. They know the problems but how can they sound the alarm when the majority of their supply is coming from these very places? Talk about a rock and a hard place scenario. It is said that one of the most difficult and challenging jobs in the world is being a cashew buyer trying to buy ethically in an industry that doesn’t prioritize ethics.
Around the world, consumers are finally asking the tough questions that companies will have to address. Questions about food supply chains, food processing impact on the environment, and the treatment of the workers who grow, harvest, process, and ship their food. This is evident as most companies today have a large department entitled “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which didn’t exist a decade ago.
Cashews are finally taking their place at the table of a highly nutritious, versatile alternative to meat and work extremely well in all plant-based lifestyles. The trends on global cashew consumption are only growing. So what is the solution? Supply Chain Alternatives, Action, and Education. Unfortunately, you will not be able to source all your needs from ethically balanced suppliers but educating your customer and letting them know your commitment to procure from sustainable value chains will speak volumes.
What You Can Do
Join our movement and become the hero in your customer’s narrative. This trend is only gaining momentum. Your customers want high quality foods and they want to know they were ethically and sustainably sourced. Your customers will view your brand as a brand they can trust to steward their desires to buy food in a better way. You will win loyalty when your customers know that your mission and vision is in partnership to address many of the crises in food industries globally.
What We Are Doing
50% of the workforce are women, 75% of our management team are women
We provide 2 highly nutritious subsidized meals a day to all our workers
Health care provided to all our workers and their families
Free childcare in our nursery/day care center
Farmers in our network earn premiums for their Fairtrade and organic cashews
We are Fairtrade and organic certified, focusing on ethical and sustainable management of our value chains
Our employees have a voice with management, electing section representatives to give their opinions or complaints without fear of punishment. They know they will be heard and treated fairly.